The Bench


You’ll find me everywhere you go

From mountains high to valleys low

And in your haste from A to B

My resting place you fail to see.


But there are times you take a break

Relaxing in the change of pace

When you stop to take a photograph

Of ancient walls and epitaphs.

Those are the moments, at ease and alone,

You answer my call to your weary bones.


As you rest your eyes on a foreign scene

Your thoughts escape to a village green

To a culture and language you understand

To a bench like me in your native land.

Jean Reinhardt 2015

About Jean Reinhardt

Author of 'A Pocket Full of Shells' an Amazon International best seller, Jean writes young adult and historical fiction. She has been known to shed a tear over Little House on the Prairie.
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5 Responses to The Bench

  1. Dave Astor says:

    A great mix of poetry and photography!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Dave, I have a thing about empty benches, I photograph them whenever I see them. I was going to do a blog about it, but changed my mind and wrote the poem instead. It’s not very deep, just a bit of light verse. 🙂 It probably comes from when we were living in Spain and I felt a bit homesick.

      Liked by 1 person

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