Thursday Doors – Castle Saunderson 2

On this week’s Thursday Doors we’ll be continuing our walk through the grounds of Castle Saunderson. There is also an international scout centre here with indoor accommodation and campsites stretching over an area of thirty four acres.

But the old church is what I came back to see, along with collecting some more wild garlic. It dates from around the 1830’s, incorporating or replacing an older place of worship that was previously on the site.

The crypt was locked up but I don’t think I would have ventured in even if it had been open.

This was at the entrance to the crypt – not exactly a welcome mat.

The wild plants also caught my eye, like this rhododendron just beginning to bloom. Although it’s not a native species and can be very invasive if not controlled, you have to admit it’s a beautiful plant.

The hawthorn is a native plant that blossoms all over the countryside at this time of year.
I must look out for these wild strawberries when the berry season arrives.

It must have been so lovely to live here surrounded by all this beauty. I was savouring the peacefulness when I heard a dog barking in the distance. Suddenly, there was a loud crash behind me and I turned around to see Mr. R. shooing a small black terrier away from the road and back into the trees. The dog had chased a large deer through the forest and it ran across the road behind me so quickly, I never got a chance to see it. There are a few small herds roaming around the estate but I imagine there were a lot more in the old days.

This stone bearing the Saunderson family crest is dated 1573 and was found on the site. As the family didn’t arrive until the seventeenth century they must have brought it with them.
The River Finn

I think that peaceful scene of the river running through Castle Saunderson estate is a good note to end this week’s post on but if you would like to explore some international Thursday Doors, carry on over to Norm’s Blog and follow the links in the comments at the end of his post.

About Jean Reinhardt

Author of 'A Pocket Full of Shells' an Amazon International best seller, Jean writes young adult and historical fiction. She has been known to shed a tear over Little House on the Prairie.
This entry was posted in Blogging, castles and ruins, Cavan, Historical buildings, History, Ireland, nature, Thursday Doors, Travel, wild plants and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

22 Responses to Thursday Doors – Castle Saunderson 2

  1. What a beautiful place and I love the photo of the church and crypt!


    Liked by 1 person

  2. sjhigbee says:

    Lovely pics, Jean:)). What a fabulous place – it looks like it belongs in a fairy tale…

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Ally Bean says:

    Beautiful photos. But here’s my question: how do the red doors open if there is no hardware on them? I’m rather freaked out by that!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Norm 2.0 says:

    That church is magnificent! The old stone sure stands the test of time. The carved stone plaque at the entrance to the crypt sure gives you a good idea of what to expect once you get inside 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  5. DrJunieper says:

    Did not know William of Orange also fought in England. He is one of the most revered and popular heroes of the past i the Netherlands! Love the stone building with the doors:) Like that you are giving us the whole picture (in words) here:)

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Dan Antion says:

    The church is really beautiful. The stonework has held up very well.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Teresa says:

    Wonderful place but the crypt is a bit eerie for me. Love the flowers too.

    Regards, Teresa

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I love the misty creepy atmosphere mixed with the bright colorful flowers. Great shots!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. slfinnell says:

    Love reading the history of these places. That church is a gem and your posts always have me lingering on the photos. Good one!!

    Liked by 1 person

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